Industry leaders don’t read job boards – but they do read eHotelier daily

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Career OpportunitiesEven if your next shining star is not currently looking for a new role, they are receiving the eHotelier daily newsletter.

The eHotelier careers channel reaches over 78,500 industry professionals globally every day. According to our most recent survey, over 90% of eHotelier members hold a department management role or higher, with over 70% employed in hotels or hotel groups. Our members are leaders, or upwardly mobile hospitality professionals continually looking for their next role.

So why do global recruitment agencies continue to list top management roles with eHotelier?

Simple – they get results. You may have noticed a number of high profile recruitment agencies list leadership roles regularly through eHotelier. Roles are listed on the careers channel, in the daily newsletter and broadcast via our social media channels to a further 40,000 followers.

Prominent roles generally receive over 600 views and 30 applications with the first 48 hours.

“Applications received through eHotelier nearly always match our requirements exactly, saving us time and money sifting through unsuitable applications.”

We’ve broken the mold!  Why pay per listing when you can upgrade your subscription and list unlimited opportunities each month?

  • Duetto Trends Banner
  • eHotelier Essentials Banner

Are you looking for a new career opportunity yourself? Raise your head to the hunters – create your online profile get discovered today.

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Current Opportunities Available:

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Food and Beverage Management 4th edition
On the Move – March 2016