2016 in Review: Distribution, Marketing & Revenue Management

2016 In Review2016 has been an interesting year for hoteliers. Whether you’re on-property or in a corporate office, the industry is evolving at a rapid pace in all areas.Ê Consolidation, Rate Parity, Google & Trip Advisor are all big news and have been discussed a lot. However there may have been some news that has slipped slipped under your radar.

A few firsts in 2016 stand out for me; this is the first year I’ve heard senior leaders seriously expect that the current Directors of Revenue will be the next CEO’s and General Managers. It’s been talked about for a long time but now it’s finally being accepted that the RM role now stretches strategically across the business functions, and they have the right strategic skills and experience in all areas of the business.

The second one is the emergence of the Commercial Department.Ê Many hotels, and hotel groups, have realised that the silo mentality we have orchestrated no longer fits in with the way the industry works.Ê Revenue, Digital, Public Relations, Marketing, Technology and Sales all need to work together to get the best result.Ê At the property level, not many can afford to have a Director of Revenue, Director of Digital and a Director of Sales & Marketing.

For 2017, there will be a few knock-on effects.Ê Firstly, a focus on cross-skilling by breaking down those silos.Ê The convergence of these roles will mean that property level staff will need to learn more about their counterparts’ roles in order to optimise results without increasing staff numbers.Ê Secondly, again this is something that has been talked about for years; 2017 will be the year of the General Manager.Ê The GM’s now have to learn about the Digital, Revenue and Technology disciplines in order to run their hotel efficiently and bring in the return the owners are looking for.Ê This is where HSMAI is focussing in 2017, we’ll be working closely with you to help you to cross-skill and we’ll be working with General Managers to help them find, attract and lead these newly upskilled staff.

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It’s an exciting time to be a hotelier and from the team at HSMAI, we wish you all a wonderful 2017.


hsmai-asia_pac-logo-150Jackie Douglas
President, HSMAI Asia Pacific
eHotelier Partner

Click here for more information on HSMAI membership and events.



Click the links below to view the viewedÊarticles from 2016 on Distribution, Marketing and Revenue Management. For access to allÊarticles and more, download 2016 Year in Review ebook.


9 hotel booking trends to watch by Vineeth Purushothaman

Hotel brand building in 2016: three key focus areas by Sarah Miller

What’s going to happen to OTAs in 2017 by Kiran Sunny Varghese

How hoteliers can heal their self-inflicted wounds (by decreasing OTA dependency) by Max Starkov

How to attract high-yielding ADR guests by Eric Altschul

Distribution costs conundrum: the misalignment of interest between owners and operators by Max Starkov

The disruptive factors likely to reshape travel distribution by eHotelier


The 10 best types of hotel Blogs by Mandy Hegarty

5 ways hotels can improve direct online booking conversions in 2016 by Katie Colangelo

How technology can improve the guest experience before arrival by Nicki Graham

Why you should add WhatsApp to your hotel engagement strategy by Nicki Graham

Top 5 secrets to building a successful hotel multi channel marketing campaign by eHotelier

16 stats about Mobile Travel in 2016 by Frederic Gonazalo

Using Facebook Messenger to increase guest satisfaction and RevPar performance by John Kearney

The key to great hotel content writing? Be specific by Mandy Hegarty

Revenue Management

How to overcome the flaw in hotel revenue management by Mike Ford

Hospitality industry pricing: Where is it heading? by Moira Scerri

The new frontiers of hotel revenue management by Alex Shashou

The future of Revenue Management leadership: What should you know? by Ahmed Mahmoud

Are revenue managers and general managers aiming for the same targets? by eHotelier

7 revenue management tactics to increase overall ROI by eHotelier

How to demonstrate the value of revenue management to property owners by Rachel Grier

What hoteliers can learn from the way airlines handle revenue management by eHotelier

How revenue managers can use AI to drive efficiency and direct bookings
2016 in Review: Brands, Millenials and Reviews