Mobile devices and travelers: deep dependence and some anxiety and Egencia have released the results of the 2014 Expedia/Egencia Mobile Index, a global study of mobile-device-related behavior and preferences among travelers in North America, South America, Europe and Asia-Pacific. The study revealed the deep dependence modern travelers have on their mobile devices – defined as a smartphone, tablet, e-reader, laptop or smartwatch. Worldwide, 94% of people bring at least one mobile device when they take personal vacations, and 97% bring at least one device on business trips.

The 2014 Expedia/Egencia Mobile Index was commissioned by Expedia and conducted online by Northstar, a global research and consulting firm. The study was conducted among 8,856 employed adults across 25 countries.

“We are entering a new era where people are moving fluidly across desktop, phone, tablet, even wearables as they dream, plan, book and then ultimately take their trip,” said Dara Khosrowshahi, President and Chief Executive Officer, Expedia, Inc. and President, Expedia Worldwide. “Travelers are not only researching and booking trips on mobile, but they’re also complimenting their meals, complaining to providers and capturing every trip detail. This is the new normal when it comes to travel. We chose to take a closer look at multi-device habits amongst both leisure and business travelers worldwide to better understand how technology is being used throughout the journey so we can continue to deliver contextually relevant mobile experiences.”

“For business trips, mobile devices are already a requirement for most travelers, and mobile usage trends are still increasing. This is because mobile devices and enabling-apps make corporate travel smoother and more productive. Our study makes clear how business travelers integrate mobile functionality into their trips, and helps us develop the best experience on whatever device they use,” says Rob Greyber, President of Egencia.

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Mobile devices serve as a concierge, guide and companion

On the whole, 76% of travelers say that their smartphones are “very important/critical” to their daily lives. 70% say the same about their laptop, and 48% say the same about their tablet device. Indians are the most dependent on smartphones, with 95% categorizing the device as “very important/critical.” The world’s least smartphone-dependent people can be found in Norway, where only 57% consider their smartphone to be critical/very important. More than one-third (35%) of the world’s travelers use their smartphones more when they travel than they do at home.

Mobile etiquette held in high regard

The 2014 Expedia Mobile Index revealed that travelers are well attuned to mobile device etiquette. Courteousness and noise consciousness are particularly important, as is privacy. “Taking photos/videos of people they do not know” is considered offensive smartphone behavior by 42% of the world’s travelers, trailing only “making calls on speakerphone” (53%) and “playing music/games/videos without headphones” (47%).

Technology-fueled etiquette violations respondents consider offensive include if done in public:

• Making calls on speakerphone:


• Playing music/games/videos without headphones:


• Taking photos/videos of strangers:


• Making calls while in restaurant:


• Video calls/FaceTime/Skype:


• Loud mobile device alerts:


• Messaging/emailing at seated performance/activity:


• Photographing food during meal:


Complimentary WiFi considered top hotel perk

Given the ubiquity of mobile devices in travel, travelers increasingly prioritize WiFi accessibility. 56% of travelers report that WiFi availability and pricing impact their purchasing decision when selecting a flight and hotel. When asked to rank mobile-related hotel amenities, leisure travelers ranked “Complimentary WiFi” first, ahead of high-speed Internet access, wired in-room connectivity and a business center with computers and printers. Business travelers deem complimentary WiFi even more important, with 86% of travelers rating it as very or somewhat important when booking a hotel for business travel.

When they are on the road, the following mobile app/device functions are the most frequently utilized by both leisure and business travelers:

• Email/messaging:


• Camera/videorecording:


• Maps/navigation:


• Social media:


• Weather


• Utility (alarm, calculator)


• Entertainment


While laptops and desktop computers are the most common way to book travel, 78% of business travelers have used their smartphone in a travel planning capacity and 71% use tablets. The most common uses for both devices are managing itineraries (37% and 32%) and researching destinations (35% and 32%). Other popular activities are shopping for hotels, receiving flight alerts and checking in for flights. Globally, 28% of employed adults who own a mobile device have used a smartphone or tablet to book a hotel.

Don’t lose it

Losing a passport ranked among the top fears of global travelers, with 40% citing it as their top travel anxiety. Losing money ranked second. Somewhat surprisingly, “unexpectedly losing my travel companion” came in third, but only 2% of the Spanish cite this as a fear, versus 53% of the Danish. “Losing my mobile device” tied with “losing my luggage” in the list of top five travel fears for all travelers.

“Losing all my personal information” was the top anxiety associated with losing a phone while traveling, with 58% listing it among their fears. 41% would worry about their ability to contact home. 37% would worry about the replacement cost. 29% would feel insecure/isolated, while 19% would miss their apps, music and social networks.

Despite the seeming desire to stay connected while traveling, only 35% of travelers purchase an international data/roaming plan when traveling. Indians are by far the likeliest to do so, with 68% saying yes, while in contrast only 12% of the French purchase such a plan.

Power cords

16% of global travelers keep a power cord with them at all times, to recharge their mobile device the moment it loses power. A full 47% reported that they would wait to recharge a powerless phone until they returned to their hotel. 14% carry a rechargeable case/battery pack. Only 1% would pay to use a public charging station or secure power kiosk.

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