5 ways to use your WiFi for marketing

WiFi BillboardWe all know that WiFi is an essential addition to today’s top hotel, but what the industry leaders are quickly catching on to is how your internet connection can increase your marketing opportunities.

With most people plugging in while checking in or browsing before they’ve even unpacked their belongings, it’s cunning to use this first connection to your advantage. You can direct them to your website or suggest they find you on Facebook and Twitter. This can seriously strengthen your brand. WiFi is no longer just an amenity, it’s becoming an essential asset for your marketing strategy. Here’s how to make sure you’re getting the most from your WiFi.

1. Brand your landing page

An engaging and easy to use landing page is essential, so make sure that as soon as your customer opens their browser, they’re met by a strong start. A clear, clean landing page is your hotel’s handshake. It should introduce your product at its best and strengthen your brand. Remember, your customers may be using a small screen and will have limited patience, so make it simple but eye catching! With most clients logging in before they’ve even unpacked, it’s no secret how important a first impression is, and your landing page should reflect this.

So make sure you’ve got it right – ensure that the first thing your customers see is you and your business at your best, and you’ll make sure your hotel sticks in their mind.

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2. Create a custom URL

Got a website? Here’s where you link it. Let’s remember – seeing as they’re already there, they’ll be more likely to browse your blog or scan your site to spend time. They can get to know you, your ethos, your company, and learn why they love you so much!

This will give you a personal connection with your customer and solidify you as their first choice. Keep your website up to date and linked on your landing page and you’ll find that profit margin rising.

3. Get to know your customers

Now that they know about you, make sure you know about them, too. Capturing customer information as they surf the internet allows you to get to know what they like, what they’re looking at, how they interact. All invaluable information when it comes to planning your next promotion or product.

Make sure you ask them to tick that little box that allows you to take note. This used to seem intrusive to some, but is rapidly becoming the norm, so it should be nothing to worry about as your guests log in. Meanwhile, you’re building a profile on your visitors that will be an amazing asset when it comes to knowing how to evolve your business.

4. Set up social media

If you aren’t already on Twitter/Facebook, then sign up immediately! In many cases, a customer (especially the tech-savvy generation) will judge the popularity of a place or product based on how many “Likes” or “Followers” you have. So make it known that you’re online, get your regulars to connect with you on social media and right there – you’ve given yourself a direct avenue of contact with your client base. On a daily basis. And how many forms of free advertising can claim those sorts of results?

But it’s not just enough to sign up. Make sure you’re using your accounts. Update them with pictures and encourage your customers to interact with you. Share discount vouchers and promotional codes to keep them watching, and you’ll have a plethora of people following you in no time. 

5. Use their time

With a hotel stay a leisurely experience for most, or a solo excursion for the businessman, the time your customer spends with you is up for grabs. Encourage them to spend that time online and engaging with you, either via your social media accounts or website. Whether they’re joining your Facebook debate on “The Best Local Bar?” or re-tweeting that delicious picture of your chef’s special, they can be increasing the visibility of your brand whilst right there in store. Which is where they’re most likely to log on and look around to see what you have to offer.

So whether you’re a small start-up or a commercial chain, it’s time to make the most of that WiFi. Get online, let your customers know your code and start building the information you give/receive into your marketing strategy. Get it right, and you’ll be reaping the rewards in no time!

About the author

Bal RanaBal Rana is the founder and Business Development Manager of Freedom Hotspot.  Bal is a veteran in the IT industry with 18 years of experience. His passion for all things wireless and the desire to make technology accessible to everyone, led to the founding of  Freedom Hotspot in 2003. Carrying the beliefs that WiFi Hotspot technology is ultimately in the business of connecting people in a way that is feasible and sustainable, Bal works tirelessly to provide a seamless solution.

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