Bridge.Over’s digital toolkit helps hotels reach “channel relevance”

Nearly all hotels in the world have their own website, the great majority of them are present on one or more social media websites, and many have a blog. However, despite a wide presence online, many hotels don’t have clear editorial guidelines to ensure channel relevance. In other words, what type of information are you publishing, on which channel, and for whom?

An effective digital strategy is not about the number of blog followers or how many people “like” your Facebook page. A great digital strategy is about channel relevance. Making sure that you reach the right people, with the right message, at the right place, at the right time.

Leveraging its consulting experience, Bridge.Over Group has launched a digital marketing toolkit exclusively for independent and boutique hotels to help them develop a digital communication strategy that is relevant to their own unique business context. From digital audit to content publication, the digital toolkit’s three modules can be implemented over a period of just 5 to 10 days.

Toolkit modules overview

The goal of the digital toolkit’s three modules is to provide your hotel’s marketing team with the guidelines and the content to reach channel relevance. Bridge.over’s hands-on approach ensures that the guidelines developed during the second module get implemented.

  • eHotelier Essentials Banner

• Understand the business context of your hotel and your digital objectives
• Map the digital competitiveness of your hotel
• Conduct an audit of your current approach to digital strategy

• Define the expectations/needs of your target audiences, using a proprietary Audience Segmentation Matrix™
• Develop digital editorial guidelines in collaboration with your in-house marketing team

• Create and publish templates (“content models”)
• Develop a list of blog posts/articles (table of content)
• Train your in-house marketing team 


• Your own Audience Segmentation Matrix™
• A clear digital strategy for your hotel
• Complete editorial guidelines for your blog and Facebook page
• A list of blog post topics
• 3 to 5 blog post models
• A database of 20-30 pictures ready to be used on social media
• A 1h30 training session on digital strategy for your marketing team


The digital marketing toolkit was developed for small to medium, independent and boutique hotel properties. As such, Bridge.over offers an attractive room-based pricing structure. 

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