Der Schlusspunkt: Attention, Attention All F&B Managers and Operations Managers

Last week we discussed the importance of effective communication as a successful management tool. Some of our staff are a bit easier to approach than others. Often it is quite delicate to talk to a busy chef and even more difficult to have friendly personal conversation. Today we give you a perfect opportunity to approach your chef or indeed the whole kitchen brigade on a special occasion.

Did you know that cooks have a Patron Saint and did you know that St Lawrence is celebrating his feast-day on 10th August! Here are a few ideas for connecting with your chef through his/her Patron Saint:

  • You could write a memo or letter to the chef or the brigade and take the opportunity to thank them for their commitment, hard work and professionalism.
  • You could go to the kitchen and crack a bottle with them after the service.
  • You could mention it on your menu, create a special dish or drink e.g. Pasta St Lawrence, after all he was from Rome.  invites Hotels and Restaurants to celebrate St Lawrence Day on 10th August.

And now for the story of St Lawrence:

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In the year 257 new laws were enacted in Rome against the Church. The prefect of Rome learned that deacons were responsible for safeguarding and distributing Church assets, so he sent for Lawrence and demanded that he turn over the treasures of the Church to the State. Lawrence asked for three days to gather the wealth. He went about the city gathering the poor and outcast, the widows and orphans, the sick and the homeless supported by the Christian community. He took them before the pagan prefect and declared: “These are the treasures of the Church”.

This bold gesture did not go over well with the emperor and Lawrence was condemned to death and ordered to be burned over coals on a grid iron. It is said that the saint, making light of this gruesome barbeque called out to his captors, “Turn me over, I am done on this side.” Despite his continuing torture, his comical commentary carried on and right before he died, he shouted out, “It’s cooked enough now”. The church, perhaps revealing its humorous side as well, later proclaimed the archdeacon to be the patron saint of all cooks, and is often depicted holding garlic in one hand and a gridiron in the other.

He is a fitting Patron Saint for all cooks since he was caring for the underdogs, he was exposed to extreme heat, he had an unusual, sarcastic humour and he would never ever give in, even on his way to burning hell.

Lets display the same characteristics and wish all  Chefs "Happy Roasting" on 10th August.

Good luck with your PR towards your chefs, actually they are not THAT difficult!


PS. Next week we will publish a tribute to Chefs & Cooks for you to put on the notice board.

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