Der Schlusspunkt

Dumped or Walked: A Creative Solution

Cultural and sporting events are a lucrative profit centre for hotels and sometimes even the reason why hotels were built.  In the last century it was the World Exhibitions, then the Olympic Games and now Music & Film Festivals, Motor & Cycling Competitions, Conventions & Conferences etc etc…

I am currently completing some updates for the popular “Great, Grand & Famous Hotels" book, which should be in every professional library of all passionate hoteliers! (that was my plug). I visited some historic hotels on the beautiful Lake Geneva and I had some real problems "finding a room in the inn"; that happened more than 2000 years ago too, but in my case it was because of the Montreux Jazz Festival held between 5 and 20 July, 2013.

Started in 1967, the Montreux Jazz Festival has become a not to be missed event for music fans, not only in Switzerland but from around the world. Its’ stages have been graced by all of music’s greats, from Miles Davis to Ray Charles, from David Bowie to Prince.  Not only does it guarantee a full-house for most hotels around the lake for the duration of the Festival, but it has also created a brand for Montreux.

Most hoteliers can tell stories of over bookings and while most are resolved somehow, we all have a few stories to tell.  Tell us some of some of your funny stories!  Everyone who has 5 or more stories published will receive a copy of the Great, Grand & Famous Hotels. (Send stories to

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Let's finish the week on the funny side up!

A town has a special fair and all hotels are fully booked. A gentleman and lady are trying to get the last room in a hotel.  Each thinks they were first and should get the room. After a bit of heated discussion, the Front Office Manager suggests that they could consider sharing the room.

No way!

After some reflection however, they realize there is actually no other choice.  Once in the room they are very civil to each other and each has bathroom time and then slips into the opposite side of the bed. And then came that awkward moment…

He was thinking ‘How can I break the ice?” and she was desperately thinking “How can I stay cool?”  He came up with the brilliant and quite elegant idea:

"Why don't we pretend, just for tonight, that we are married?"

"That is a very good idea, I was hoping that you were a decent man."

With that she turned to the other side and said:

“It was a long day for me, night night darling."

Night night every one!


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