Service With A Smile: Top Pointers for Improving Customer Service

By Katrina Robinson


Customer service should be just that — service for the customer…

Everyone knows that no matter how good your product may be, customer service plays an enormous role in how well you’ll do. In case you want to improve on your company’s customer service, take a look at these pointers…

  1. Listen
    Along with that smile, take a listen with your ears. If your customer is not happy, try to figure out why. And remember, they may come in on the defensive because of past experience, but if you can let them know you are there to listen and help, the whole experience will take a better, positive turn.
  2. Get to Know Your Customers
    Whether virtually or in person, get to know your customers. You don’t have to track them and overload their inboxes with email, but having the basics can improve your customer service.

    You can send them a birthday card with a coupon or discount in it, and let them know about “private” or “friends and family” discounts. Give them a chance to give you feedback; you may never know something is not working until someone tells you – then you can address it. The more personable you can be with your clientele, the better your customer service.

  3. Reward Your Employees
    Give your employees some kudos for going above and beyond, for really letting that service smile shine. Sure, working on commission is great, but even for businesses that don’t work that way or along with it, have another kind of employee incentive. The happier your employees, well, the happier your customers.
  4. Be Accessible
    Of course, you don’t want phone calls to your home in the wee hours of the morning, but if you can make yourself or your team accessible, the customer will feel better about doing business with you. Let your customers know they can reach you when they need to. Put your phone number on your website – even if a customer never needs it, it’s reassuring to know it’s there.
  5. Let Your Employees Know What is Expected of them
    Go over customer service with your employees. Whether they come into contact with customers on a regular basis or not, they need to know how to pleasantly interact. Let them know your expectations, as they may differ from employer to employer.

    Also, treat your employees how you want your customers treated. A positive environment is a happy place to be. Treat everyone with support and respect, and it will roll over to your customers.

  6. Set a Good First Impression
    That is what the smile is for. Even if your first encounter is via phone, you can still display a warm, interested greeting. Make sure your customers know they matter and that you are happy to be working with them. A first impression is your company’s curb appeal; make it a good one.

For business owners, managers, and all employees, customer service should always be a top priority. Take the time to focus in on it, and your customer’s happiness will show you it’s worth it.

About the author

Heather Legg is a freelance writer who writes about a variety of topics from positive and pleasant attitudes to the importance of installing gutter guards.

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