The Language of Hospitality

By Amy D. Bair

Some quotes from TripAdvisor:

“The english receptionist could do with going to charm school.”

“Some staff very nice and friendly and some extremely rude.”

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“Not ONE "Hello" or "goodnight"….Have some class”

Do those comments make you cringe? Me too. The JD Powers 2012 North America Hotel Guest Satisfaction Index Study states overall guest satisfaction declined again and is at its lowest level since 2006. Per Stuart Greif, vice president and general manager of the global travel and hospitality practice at J.D. Power and Associates, "Charging guests more and providing less is not a winning combination from a guest satisfaction perspective, much less a winning business strategy.”

A simple, economical method for improving your scores (and thus revenue) is to coach your staff on the Language of Hospitality™. Do this and watch your guests respond positively thus making your scores and profit soar.



The Language of Hospitality™ is excerpted from Stark Service Solution's PACETM Customer Service Training Program.

Communication skills are easy to learn yet difficult to put into daily practice. Give your staff an incentive to change their habits and watch the transformation occur.

Stark's system helped a Millennium Resort improve their internal ranking from 10th place to 4th place within 3 months. Contact us today to learn how Stark can maximize your revenue through guest loyalty and staff retention. or 623-238-3085.

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