HSMAI Region Europe welcomes TripAdvisor onto three new advisory boards

HSMAI EuropeHSMAI Region EuropeÊhas announced that TripAdvisor has joined three new advisory boards: Service Operation, focusing on HSMAI Region Europe’s newly-developed ÒWinning for Customers Ð The Service PledgeÓ programme; the Customer Loyalty & Relationship Advisory Board; and the Destination Marketing Advisory Board.

TripAdvisor, the world’s largest travel site, is already an active member of the Digital Advisory Board.

TripAdvisor will be attending HSMAI Region Europe’s leadership day in Frankfurt in early September, and the 2017 agreement also sees a number of TripAdvisor employees joining HSMAI Europe as corporate members.

ÒWe are very happy to continue the partnership with TripAdvisor and to have them active on our advisory boards,Ó said Ingunn Hofseth,ÊHSMAI Europe President and CEO. ÒIn business today it’s all about the customer experience. Everything is getting more and more transparent, booking and search engines become more professional. Margins for errors are so small.

“Together with highly educated professionals HSMAI Region Europe has worked out a generic method and process to build a service quality strategy for change management and relation management and we are now hosting educational programmes for candidates who would like to become HSMAI-certified Executive Coaches for our new programme, Winning for Customers Ð The Service Pledge. TripAdvisor is the perfect partner for us.Ó

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ÒWe are pleased to be expanding our cooperation with HSMAI Europe to engage with the hospitality industry and drive awareness of the benefits of working with TripAdvisor,” said Helena Egan, TripAdvisor’s Global Director of Industry Relations.


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