Digital Travel Summit to embrace period of change

Digital Travel SummitDigital Travel Summit is a spin-off of Worldwide Business Research’s eTail event series; it is the eCommerce, digital marketing strategy, and customer experience event for the travel, hospitality and leisure (THL) industry.Ê

The THL industry is going through an extraordinary period of change as more companies consolidate. As these big name brands continue to buy each other out, marketers are tasked with streamlining digital platforms across all channels. These companies are experiencing complete digital overhauls and need to navigate the changing landscape to maintain customer loyalty across brands.Ê

Here are some major trendsÊthey areÊfocusing on for 2017:

Getting to know the digital traveler: Travel brands are focusing first and foremost on the customer. To do that, they need to know just WHO that traveler is and how their brand can meet the traveler’s unique needs for optimized search, booking patterns, and loyalty at every touch-point in the customer journey. Bottom line, knowing the traveler gives brands the advantage for better personalization.

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The impact of distribution based on changing landscapes: Mergers and Acquisitions are at the forefront of the industry. As these companies merge, marketers are tasked with streamlining digital platforms as well as company cultures. This can impact the industry in several ways; including price increases because of less competition.

Digital Travel Summit, in Las Vegas from May 8-10 at Green Valley Ranch,Êwill focus on how THL companies can embrace digital strategies, harness technology to improve operations, and enhance the consumer experience to build true loyalty. Click here to check out the agenda for more information. You can also register with our unique code to save 25Êper centÊon your pass to the event: DTS17EHOT

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