Der Schlusspunkt: A Salute to the Chefs and Cooks of the World

On the occasion of the Feast Day of St Lawrence, the Patron Saint of cooks.

Dear cooks and chefs,

St Lawrence “Feast Day” is celebrated on 10th August and we would like to raise a glass to all the chefs and cooks of the world.

We want to let you know that we recognize your contribution, your hard work, your diligence  and above all, your passion for your profession!

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St Lawrence is a fitting patron for cooks; he cared for the people, possessed an abundance of good humour and dealt with extreme heat—in his case he got literally roasted as a punishment by his Italian Emperor.

It is your passion, or your madness, for your profession that makes you work long hours, often in extreme conditions, impossible time pressure and in hot kitchens.

Your camaraderie and team work is necessary  to survive the kitchen’s ever present challenges and your quirky humour and stressful lifestyle is well known by your work mates.

Acknowledgement and thanks from those who enjoy your meals are rare, yet you continue with great enthusiasm to produce delicious food for the enjoyments of millions of diners.

To the thousands of cooks in hotels, restaurants, cafes  and myriad other institutions where food is shared and enjoyed, to chefs famed and unknown,

we salute you with respect and admiration!

Happy Roasting!

The Team

PS. You may personalize above Tribute with your Hotel or Restaurants letterhead, add the name of your chef and perhaps add a sentence to recognize an individual.

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