Well-being is today’s new status symbol, according to Westin survey

Forget fame and fortune, well-being is topping to-do lists for global travelers in our "always-on" culture, according to a global well-being survey conducted by Westin Hotels & Resorts.

Some 62% of survey respondents consider maintaining a balanced sense of well-being as a status symbol, outranking professional accomplishment (47%) and a healthy relationship (48%). How important is well-being in today's stress-ridden society? With 64% of global respondents stating that their stress levels have increased over the last few years, 39% would give up alcohol and almost a quarter of global respondents and nearly half of U.S. respondents would give up sex to improve their overall well-being.

The Westin brand's global well-being study was unveiled on the heels of the launch of the Westin Well-Being Movement, a multi-million dollar initiative designed to enhance the well-being of guests and associates around the world.

Well-being takes a hit on the road

Not surprisingly, competing priorities between work and personal life are one of the biggest barriers to well-being for a majority (54%) of global travellers.

  • More than one-third (35%) of respondents said the inability to find time a hindrance in their quest for well-being.

  • Twenty-nine percent find it difficult to maintain their well-being while travelling.

Well-being – in exchange for what?

Just how valuable is well-being? The results show that people are willing to go to great lengths to improve their overall well-being.

  • Nearly one in five respondents (18%) would turn down a pay raise if it meant improving overall well-being.

  • Not Tonight Dear: Where as 24% of global travelers say they would be willing to give up sex for a year if it helped their state of well-being and that number nearly doubles for U.S. respondents. In the U.S. nearly half of those surveyed, (49%), would give up sex for a year to improve their well-being.

  • Gone are the days of self-medicating at happy hour after a stressful work day. More than a third of global travelers (39%) say they would give up alcohol to improve their overall well-being.

  • Assume the off position: 38% said a digital detox (spending less time looking at a screen) would help improve their well-being.

Survey says: stressed out

Survey results also show that stress continues to be an enemy of achieving a balanced sense of well-being. Virtually no one escaped work stress over the past year, with only 4% saying their stress levels decreased. In fact, 30% say their work stress levels have significantly increased over the past year. According to the survey, travelers continue to look to contribute to their well-being through a variety of activities to help them unwind after a stressful workday:

  • Sleep trumps sex when it comes to unwinding after a stressful workday and 40% say they would prefer sleep over sex (34%).

  • Just as many people de-stress with exercise (38%) as comfort food (38%).

  • More than a third (34%) chooses meditation/yoga as a way to unwind after a stressful workday.

"The results of this survey made one thing crystal clear: citizens of the globe are ultra-aware of their state of well-being and are interested in what they can do to maintain it and improve their health and balance – even when faced with accelerated stress," said Brian Povinelli, Global Brand Leader, Westin Hotels & Resorts. "Westin is proud to be the global leader in hospitality well-being, and we are excited to utilize these results to better meet the needs of our guests through our brand-new Westin Well-being Movement."

Westin Hotels recently announced the global launch of the Westin Well-being Movement, an ambitious $15 million brand-wide campaign that will introduce a string of partnerships and programs across Westin's six brand pillars: Feel Well, Work Well, Move Well, Eat Well, Sleep Well and Play Well.

The survey sample consisted of more than 6,000 frequent global travellers from the U.S., China, Mexico, India and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Study methodology

This study is based on a survey conducted by STUDYLOGIC LLC via telephone of 6,402 respondents who travel away from home for business at least once per year from 5 different countries: the United States, the United Arab Emirates, India, Mexico, and China. This summary report is based on the responses of 1100 respondents from Mexico. Summary charts showing the breakdown of travel frequency, gender, age, income, marital status, and child status are included at the end of this summary report. The survey consisted of twenty-six questions including identifiers. Interviews were conducted between February 6th and February 19th, 2014. The survey averaged 25 minutes in length and contains a margin of error of +/-3%.

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