Six Baby Barn Owls Check Into a Marriott Hotel

By Barbara De Lollis

CAPTIONBy San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront


Some unexpected guests recently checked into the Marriott hotel near the San Francisco airport: six (adorable) baby barn owls.

Instead of moving the freeloaders, the San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront Hotel welcomed them – and started naming their long-term guests.

If you go to the hotel soon, you'll see Hoot, Nanny, Al, Peter Townsend, Robert Plant, Hedwig and Archimedes.

Owl discovery: What to do?

When the hotel discovered the owl nest on the 11th Concierge floor balcony, staffers called a wildlife expert at the San Mateo SPCA for advice. The expert confirmed that the owls are barn owls and are protected native birds of prey. In other words: The owls weren't going anywhere.

"Even when we're sold out at the San Francisco Airport Marriott Waterfront, the owl family is not relocated to another property," hotel general manager Clif Clark says in a press release.

Given their high cute factor, the hotel decided to play them up with guests.

Today, kids staying at the hotel who visit the baby owls receive stuffed animal owls to remember their experience.

The hotel reports that they're maintaining a healthy size and are visited daily by their mother and father, who have been residing in a different location away from the Marriott hotel.

Owls: Expected to be loyal customers

The owl family might as well join Marriott Rewards loyalty program.

Why? The SPCA told the hotel that barn owls often nest in the same location each year if it's turns out to be a safe place.

Source: USA Today

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