Pillows to Toilet Paper

By Feature Writer Val Cook, Alumni Ambassador, Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School

When you consider we spend almost one third of our lives in a bedroom / bathroom, anybody offering accommodation needs to get it right first time. There are rarely second chances.

One hair can make the difference between a happy guest returning or a very disappointed one who will not recommend your establishment.

Whether it is the 100th floor the 1st floor or any floor in between, a city view, an ocean view or any other view, the guest is always looking for a clean, comfortable and healthy environment to rest in, irrespective of star rating or room rate paid.

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These are a very personal thing for many people: firm, soft or something in between.

Can you offer a pillow menu for an advanced booking?

Can the pillows/cushions (that now seem to cover the bed in most hotels) be a variety of options?

The overall ‘look and feel' of the room:

Are the windows clean?

Nearly all guests, when entering the room, look out of the window.  If dirty it's a very bad first impression.

Cleaning materials and equipment:

Are your staff using them properly?

If not they can stain, leave unsightly residue, or a nasty aroma. Poorly used or incorrect equipment can cause damage.

The Bed:

Needs to be well made and presented. It's the most important item in the room.

The bed should be tested for lumps, bumps and tension regularly.

A bad night's sleep caused by an uncomfortable bed will not result in returning and recommending guests.


There is nothing better after a long day than the feel of crisp clean sheets.

Limp thin sheets are memorable for all the wrong reasons.

Soap / Shampoos:

Are a few quality items preferable to a host of inferior products?

Can other items be supplied on request?

Carpet and rugs:

Any stains need to be removed ASAP; we spend a lot of time in bare feet while in the bedroom.


They should be large and fluffy.

Thin, under-sized towels don't promote environmentally friendly re-use or give a feeling of comfort.

Toilet paper:

Needs to be good quality, enough of it and easily reached. What more can I say!

Wrapping up

I have not mentioned light switches, the A/C, remote controls, shower systems and IT. All, at times, can be a source of frustration. They need to be addressed at the design stage or when rooms are under refurbishment.

Is out-sourcing housekeeping helping or hindering how YOUR room is presented to YOUR guest?

A well-managed and efficient Housekeeping Department is vital to the success and profitability of your accommodation operation.

Question: Can you afford to implement the above suggestions?

Answer: Can you afford NOT to?

About the Author

After graduating from  Westminster College, London, Val started work at Grosvenor House Park Lane before working for the Trust House Forte group in several  properties. Val has also worked in Australia, Africa, China and  Korea, working as an Executive Chef, Food and Beverage Manager and General Manager. Moving on to a career in education, Val joined Regency College in Adelaide, South Australia, where he taught hotel management students with an emphasis on food & beverage organisation and profit. In 1991, he joined the Blue Mountains International Hotel Management School in the start-up team. During his time at BMIHMS he has been involved in all aspects of the school's operation and educational programme. He now holds the position of Alumni Ambassador and his duties involve visiting graduates and observing hotel operations all over the world.

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