Employee Surveys: Let’s Get Online!

By Market Metrix

About 10+ years ago hospitality companies began to conduct employee engagement surveys.  At that time they were all paper based.  Today more and more hotels, restaurants and casinos are having their employees take these same engagement surveys online.  Sure there are some challenges, but the advantages are attractive.


Fielding surveys online shortens the overall project timeline by up to a third, improves accuracy, and is very secure. Online surveys also cost 15-25% less than offline options.

In spite of these advantages, some clients want to stick with paper. The most common objection to moving online is language fluency or literacy. But multiple languages are actually more easily accommodated in online surveys. We've run employee surveys in nearly 40 languages. As for literacy, whether the survey is online or on paper, the only way to address literacy is with a moderator.

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Another common concern is that some staff are inexperienced with or even intimidated by computers.  In our experience this simply isn't the case. We have had tens of thousands of housekeepers, food and beverage staff, and front and back of the house employees successfully complete online surveys.  Remember these members of the Hospitality Industry workforce have to deal with smart phones, online banking and other computerized aspects of our modern world in their private lives.  No reason why they can't do this at work!

As Market Metrix clients sign up for online employee feedback programs, they begin to realize the soft benefits too. From reservations, to guest satisfaction surveys, hospitality companies are increasingly moving online.  Having employees provide their engagement feedback online helps to expose employees to new technology, make them feel comfortable with it and empowered by new skills.  Completing surveys on smart phones, tablets, work top computers or lap-tops is novel and fun for many hospitality industry employees, and consistent with the tech advances in our industry.

The barriers to moving your employee feedback survey online are falling, and the advantages are compelling. Your employees are ready for the move to online feedback as soon as you are!

Source: Market Metrix

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