Why we love the hotel business in ten parts

Hotel staffHave you ever sat back for a moment to reflect on the profession of hospitality? With all its ups and downs, could you think of any other business you would rather be in?

As someone who admittedly has never been at the helm of a property with the exception of short term MOD responsibilities, I feel as close as anyone can be to hotel management. Yet I recognize that it is not the same as the burden of being general manager, where day-to-day decisions can make or break the budget as well as destroy hard-earned asset values. I am humbled by many of the GMs I’ve met and in awe of their ability to stay calm in the midst of multiple mayhem constantly surrounding them.

Perhaps this is why hotel management is such an adrenaline rush Ð the landscape changes hourly and there is no time to get bored. It’s perfect for those with a touch of ADHD or a very curious mind. To reflect on this chosen career path and to offer you an extra dose of incentive to remain ever-passionate about this line of work, here are ten reasons why I love being a hotelier so much.

1.ÊÊÊÊÊÊ You get to see the fruits of your labor. Make any decision and you typically don’t have to wait very long to see the outcome. Compare this to any product-based business where you have to wait a full season or more to realize whether or not your ideas delivered on their promise. Immediate gratification has its rewards!

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2.ÊÊÊÊÊÊ You work with great people. Hotel teams employ a wide range of characters from chefs and accountants to engineers and housekeepers. Being involved with so many different silos, often also from many diverse cultures, adds to the overall enrichment of the workplace and presents an opportunity to build a truly multinational team. Altogether, this makes for a fantastic, lifelong learning experience.

3.ÊÊÊÊÊÊ You never know who is going to show up. Guests can include real and cultural royalty, business leaders, foreigners who will test your language skills or just some great Ôaverage’ folk. Where else can you meet so many new people and give them an opportunity to experience your locale as well as your gracious hospitality? Talk about bragging rights!

4.ÊÊÊÊÊÊ You get to play with amazing technology. Very few professions have access to as much technology as hoteliers. In fact, we have an annual trade show (HITEC) dedicated exclusively to the advancements in our industry. With so many toys, it’s often hard to choose!

5.ÊÊÊÊÊÊ You get to eat and drink Ôprofessionally’. Sure, you could have gone into finance and spent your time taking clients out to fancy dinners or Ôbusiness’ lunches. But where else, other than a hotel’s restaurant, can you talk to the chef and immerse yourself in a discussion about each dish, its processes and its ingredients? Good luck trying to get 30 minutes with an executive chef when you’re simply the diner!

6.ÊÊÊÊÊÊ You can be innovative without approval from multiple layers of senior management. Even within a branded product, there is room for creating thumbprints that are unique to your property. Moreover, there is always the encouragement to do so!

7.ÊÊÊÊÊÊ The scenery changes everyday. No two days in the hotel business are the same. The marketplace is dynamic with new groups and guests arriving daily. You never know what you will be dealing with. It can be stressful, but you will look back on these hectic times, and your ability to juggle so many tasks, with pride.

8.ÊÊÊÊÊÊ The job has excellent mobility. For those who are interested in expanding their careers globally, nothing beats being a hotel general manager. It is not unusual to see GMs transfer from one property to another across international boundaries. The skills you learn in one location are instantly transferrable. My suggestion is to learn as many languages as you can.

9.ÊÊÊÊÊÊ You can feed the inner fashionista and never worry about dry-cleaning costs. What an opportunity to not have to worry about selecting the blue or grey suit. Get both; you’ll need them. And chances are that you’ll have a budget for this, too!

10.ÊÊ Friends visiting? You’ve got the answer. Most of the time you’ll have a room for them and will not have to worry about cleaning up after them. This will make you quite popular.

That’s my top ten reasons to love being a hotelier. What would you add?

By Larry Mogelonsky, MBA, P. Eng. (www.lma.ca)

Larry MogelonskyAfter a formal engineering undergraduate degree and an MBA, plus a stint as a professional civil engineer, Larry Mogelonsky’sÊbusiness career started with a brand management position at Procter & Gamble. This was followed by half-dozen years at a top ten ad agency, where he was the team leader for the Four Seasons Hotels & Resorts business. Smitten with the hospitality Ôbug’, Larry founded LMA Communications and more recently, Hotel Mogel Consulting, a specialty consultancy dedicated to the hotel industry. Today, Larry works with hotel owners and operators across the globe. His knowledge of hospitality marketing and operations has been demonstrated through the accumulation of 75+ awards from HSMAI (Hotel Sales and Marketing Association International). His firm was also awarded the distinction of Worldwide e-Marketing Agency of the Year by TravelClick. Larry regularly contributions to many of the world’s top industry publications. He was recognized as one of the Top 25 Minds in Hospitality. He is also sought after as a keynote speaker at worldwide industry conferences. The Llama is Inn will be available in Spring 2017 through Amazon and Barnes & Noble. A Kindle edition is also available.


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