Food allergy management plans: what all front of house staff need to know

food allergiesFood allergies affect 10 percent of all children and five percent of the population as a whole. There is no ‘cure’ for food allergies, so those afflicted take a risk everytime they dine out that the restaurants they choose will safely serve them a meal that respects their dietary restrictions. Restaurants that do not have clearly communicated food allergy management plans in place put both their customer’s health and the health of their business in jeopardy.

This video was produced in collaboration with the Australia New Zealand Food Allergen Collaboration as a training aid for all ‘front of house’ staff employed in the Australasian hospitality sector. It is an excellent free online tool for hospitality providers to show their ‘front of house’ staff to raise awareness in properly dealing with food allergy sufferers.

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Industry Icons: Filip Boyen