AccorHotels lets travelers search for a property by mood

Good mood AccorHotels is working with a startup called Travelsify to enable guests to search according to their mood. Travelsify analyses reviews to find the attributes that travelers are looking for when booking an hotel.

The ÔMoodMatch’ search, which is being launched this week, will allow guests in France and the UK to search about 1,000ÊAccor branded properties as well as independent hotels on its platform.

Potential guests will be able to use the functionality via the ÔInspire Me’ button within the ÔFind Your Hotel’ tab on the homepage and choose properties based on four categories Ð in the mood for, preferred style, close to and anything else?

According to its website, Travelsify has analysed millions of reviews from travellers, as well as experts, to come up withÊ34 key ÔHotel DNA’ attributes that are importantÊwhen booking a hotel stay. The move from AccorHotels echoes a similar initiative from Momondo, which uses a Ômood wheel’ within its city guides app to help consumers shift through travel tips.

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Expedia recently developed a reviews analysis tool aimed at helpingÊits hotel partners track feedback and provide a better experience.

By Linda Fox from Tnooz

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