120 Carlson Rezidor hotels receive Safehotels Alliance certification

SafeHotels AllianceCarlson Rezidor Hotel Group now has 120 Radisson Blu and Park Inn by Radisson hotels certified by the Safehotels Alliance across Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia Pacific. Many more are scheduled to begin the certification process.

Carlson Rezidor was the first global hotel group to agree to independent third party certification for its 12safety program in December 2014. Since then, an average of seven hotels per month have gained certification to benefit guests, employees and owners.

The program pre-empted the increasing expectation from business travelers that hospitality providers will deliver a safe and secure experience. Many global clients have already expressed their preference for doing business with Safehotels certified hotels.

Paul Moxness, Vice President, Corporate Safety and Security at Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group, explained: “Safety and security play an increasingly important role for all global businesses. The agreement with Safehotels Alliance allows us to further develop our outstanding safety and security program and to create additional value for our guests, staff and owners. We are proud to be taking the lead on this development in so many markets.”

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The certification program covers a wide range of criteria including security equipment, staff awareness and training, fire security, and first aid. Safehotels also evaluates Carlson Rezidor’s existing self-assessment internal hotel security program through monitoring, reviewing and reporting on the self-assessment hotel database.

Hans Kanold, CEO for Safehotels Alliance AB remarked: “Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group has taken the already high level of internal precautions one step further by signing with Safehotels. Being independently audited and certified yearly by Safehotels shows the hotel is sincere in its guest’s personal well-being.”

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