Report highlights certified green hotel density per continent has published the travel industry’s first report on certified green hotel density per continent. Results of the study show global green hotel density is 6.2%. The study is based on 130,000+ hotels worldwide that have been cross referenced with 50 hotel certification eco-labels through a green algorithm developed in accordance with standards set by the GSTC (Global Sustainable Travel Council).


Certified green hotel concentration per continent

1. North America = 10.1%
2. Europe = 6.1%
3. Oceania = 4.8%
4. Africa = 3.7%
5. South America = 2.7%
6. Asia = .9%

Green hotel density is directly related to activity levels of certification labels in each market/continent. More than 140 green certification labels exist globally. Amongst these labels, there are approximately 50 active eco-labels that focus on green hotel certification.

GreenHotelWorld cooperates closely with the following subset of eco-labels : Biosphere Responsible Tourism, Fair Trade Tourism, GREAT Green Deal, Green Key, Green Seal, Hoteles + Verdes, Legambiente Turismo, Malta ECO certification, Responsible Tourism Tanzania (RTTZ), TourCert, TripAdvisor GreenLeaders, and VDR Certified Green Hotel.

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Green practices taken into consideration by these 50 green hotel certifiers include, amongst other criteria:

• Energy conservation
• Water conservation
• Solid waste management
• Hazardous waste management
• Indoor air quality
• Social responsibility
• Building infrastructure
• Land use

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