Hotel WiFi test ranks hotel chains

WiFi worldHotel WiFi Test has released a new report that ranks hotel chains by Wi-Fi quality. Two characteristics of hotel Wi-Fi are considered: the quality of the WiFi and whether in-room Wi-Fi is free. The report contains a global ranking and separate rankings for the United States, Europe and Asia.

The chain to which a hotel belongs is one of the best predictors of WiFi performance. Therefore, when travelers know how hotel chains are ranked overall, they can choose a specific hotel with better WiFi even if they don’t have information about the WiFi quality in that hotel.

Hotel WiFi TestIn this report, a hotel judged as having adequate Wi-Fi must provide an expected download speed of at least 3 Mbps (the Netflix recommendation for SD-quality streaming) and an upload speed of 500 kbps (the Skype recommendation for high-quality non-HD video calling). The Free Wi-Fi percentage is calculated as a ratio of hotels that offer free in-room Wi-Fi to all hotels for which the Wi-Fi price structure and availability is known.

Key takeaways

  • Nordic Choice is the number one chain in the global rankings, with 85% of its hotels offering adequate WiFi and 100% of its hotels offering free WiFi.
  • The Marriott took the top spot in the United States, but the results are not that impressive compared with the top hotel chains from the global chart. In addition, only 17% of all Marriott hotels in the United States provide free WiFi.
  • Hilton has much better WiFi quality in Europe (73% of its hotels offer adequate WiFi) than in the United States (25%).

The full report is available at

  • eHotelier Essentials Banner
  • Duetto Trends Banner
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