Who knew direct bookings could look so good?

This Autumn, we hosted the Direct Booking Summit series inÊNew YorkÊandÊBarcelonaÊ- you may have heard us mention it once or twice. For the hoteliers who attended, it was two days full of strategizing, inspiration and no small amount of empathizing which each other’s direct booking struggles. It was also an absolute blast.

We’d love to thank all the hoteliers and partners who made this year’s series such a success. We learned a lot from you – including a fair few dance moves!

In our post-event magazine, we’ve wrapped up all of the tips and tricks we learned at the events along with our favourite photos from the parties (keeping it PG, of course). Check it out and find out how you can book your place on the guest list for next year…

Scroll down to view the full thing, orÊdownload it hereÊand it’s yours to keep!



Sands Resorts Macao and Marina Bay Sands to exhibit at IMEX America 2017
Companies to attend 2017 HTNG Asia-Pacific Conference