
Virtual Hospitality Expo calls for exhibitors

On February 23 and 24, from 11am until 5pm EST, you could be an exhibitor at the Virtual Hospitality Expo, a trade show presented live on the internet.

Your business can market your goods or services to members of the hospitality industry, including hotels, motels, RV campgrounds, bed and breakfasts, ski resorts, marinas, vacation rentals, dude ranches, lodges and resorts without leaving your office or home.

Although the Expo will be live for only two days, booths will be viewable in the “on demand” mode for an additional 90 days,

The Expo will also feature interactive webinars from Influential Industry Representatives in the Conference Room. These webinars will be live but also will be recorded and available to attendees for the entire on demand period. Perhaps the most important facets of this virtual show are:

As an exhibitor or attendee there will be:
No travel;
No time away from your home or business;
No hotel to book;
No meals to purchase;
No exhibits or goods to ship and … attending is free!

You also don’t have to be a genius with a computer to exhibit. The software company will help create your booth from files you supply. You can show documents or videos in your booth, chat live with attendees, send them to your website, or even do a mini webinar — right in your booth and you’ll know who you are speaking to from the registration information they supply.

The Virtual Hospitality Expo will look like a real trade show with a lobby, an exhibit hall, the conference center where the webinars are presented and even a press room where you can speak to the press from the hospitality industry.

You’ll also get a free listing in the Expo’s Souvenir Program which is accessible in the lobby and like any document that attendees want to read later, can be taken with them when they leave the Expo.

Finally, all this has only one cost — the 92 days of exhibition, the booth, the listing in the Souvenir Program and the opportunity to meet with every business in the hospitality industry. All this for only $795 or less than $9 a day for the entire Expo experience.

Finally, the producers ran this event in 2011 and, without inviting hotel, motels, bed and breakfasts or vacation rentals, the Expo drew 3,500 attendees!

eHotelier is proud to partner with the Virtual Hospitality Expo 2016. For more in formation, please visit the Virtual Hospitality Expo event listing.

Tags: expo, hospitality, online, Trade Show, virtual


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