On September 24th and 25th HSMAI Europe will host several small events in Frankfurt by invitation only to our members. This include the very first HSMAI Europe CEO Think Tank. At the same time in Frankfurt you will be able to attend a pre certification workshop and take the globally recognized certification exam in Revenue Management.
The more you know, and the more you can prove you know, the better ROI you can provide to your employer or prospective employer, the more you can improve your company’s bottom line, and the better you can position yourself in your chosen discipline.
HSMAI in America introduced certification for hotel sales professionals nearly thirty years ago. Today HSMAI offers training and certification in several disciplines and HSMAI now also offers global certification in Revenue Management
Bringing the CRME certification to Germany for the very first time is a fantastic opportunity for Revenue Leaders in Germany to obtain a globally recognized certification in Revenue Management and confirms HSMAI’s objective to be a key resource for education, knowledge and interchange in hospitality.
See who got certified in February in London by pressing here.
Please contact postbox@hsmai.eu for more information.