SKAL Sydney North launches SKALarship

SKAL Sydney North President Scott Thomson, TIME Committee Member Sharon Hannaford and TIME Graduate Duan Irmak, Turkessence Tours

At the March SKAL Sydney North Club monthly lunch President Scott Thomson announced a SKALarship, a great new benefit in 2016.


Full Members will be eligible for a fully paid “SKALarship” to the TIME (Travel Industry Mentor Experience) Program


Members, including some visiting from the Sunshine Coast and Orlando Florida, and guests were addressed by Sharon Hannaford from the TIME Committee and recent TIME graduate Duan Irmak from Turkessence Tours who explained how TIME operates, the benefits of the mentoring program and the invaluable networking events available to participants.


Duan shared insights into how he had benefitted from his participation in the TIME Program and how much he had gained from his Mentor, Lorraine Sharp.  had

 SKAL Sydney North is proud to be the first SKAL Club in Australia to provide this SKALarship opportunity for Members and is committed to fully supporting the TIME Program.  For more information on the SKALarship, download the information handout here: SKAL is a valued partner of eHotelier.  For Further information on SKAL or to join your local SKAL Club, visit the SKAL International website.

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