Want to Boost Your TripAdvisor Ranking?

By Mike Waite, VP marketing with Market Metrix

93% of global travelers say their booking decisions are influenced by online reviews. 53% of travelers say they won't book a hotel that doesn't have online reviews. And it's now pretty well proven that improvements in online reviews lead directly to higher bookings, average daily rate (ADR) and revenue. And TripAdvisor is by far the largest review site on the planet accounting for more reviews than the next 10 review sites combined.


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So what hotel wouldn't want to improve its TripAdvisor page rank!?

TripAdvisor rankings are determined by their Popularity Index. The particulars behind the Popularity Index are kept secret, but TripAdvisor is very clear about the three things that really drive results: review scores, the total number of reviews and the recency or ‘freshness' of reviews. So the key to improving your hotel's Popularity Index, and rank on TripAdvisor, is simply to improve scores, bump up the number of reviews being submitted, and keep up a steady flow of reviews so they remain fresh.

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Market Metrix has teamed up with TripAdvisor to introduce a solution that helps hotels accomplish all three of these things. It's called Review Direct.

Review Direct is really pretty simple. It places a live TripAdvisor review form right in a guest feedback survey. Hotel guests already providing input simply choose to contribute a TripAdvisor review as well.


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Review Direct can help improve all three drivers of TripAdvisor's Popularity Index

  1. Scores – Survey takers tend to be more positive than review writers. A Market Metrix comparison of survey scores with online review scores discovered 74% fewer ratings of ‘1' and 35% more ratings of ‘5'.
  2. Review Volume – Our clients typically receive anywhere from 10-25x more surveys than TripAdvisor reviews. Tapping into guests already completing surveys can dramatically increase the number of TripAdvisor reviews.
  3. Freshness – Because survey volume goes up, and because survey invitations are typically sent immediately after check-out, the number of recent reviews increases.

Results so far are encouraging. Participating hotels are seeing review volume increase significantly. Stay tuned for an upcoming web seminar where Swissotel will share results of their Review Direct program.

Source: Market Metrix

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