Keio Plaza Hotel Tokyo hosts Japanese chopsticks exhibition

Japanese chopsticks exhibitionKeio Plaza Hotel Tokyo, one of Japan’s most prestigious international hotels located in Shinjuku, Tokyo, will host an exhibition entitledÊÒJapanese Chopsticks Exhibition Ð as Part of Gift Giving TraditionÓÊfrom November 7 to 20, 2017 in the Art Lobby. About 70 lacquered chopsticks from various prefectures throughout Japan will be displayed, along with special chopsticks in wood boxes and with chopstick rests. In addition, guests who eat specially prepared Japanese breakfasts (limited to 10 meals per day) at the exclusive Club Lounge ofÊÒPremier GrandÓÊwill be presented with one set of commemorativeÊWakasanuriÊlacquered chopsticks.

This annually held exhibition is part of the Keio Plaza Hotel’s Japanese cultural experience program and this year marks the sixth consecutive year that it will be held with the most renowned manufacturer ÒHyozaemonÓ, which was founded in 1921. Japan’s traditional food culture is believed to be the only one in the world that uses only chopsticks, and the Keio Plaza Hotel seeks to demonstrate the beautiful tradition of Japanese chopsticks to guests. This exhibition is also designed to convey how chopsticks reflect the seasons in Japanese food culture, and show off various beautiful and colorful lacquer techniques asÊWakasanuriWajimanuri, and TsugarunuriÊfrom all parts of Japan that represent the uniquely Japanese concept of Òwabi-sabiÓ, which can be described as the acceptance of transience and imperfection. Our Japanese cultural experience programs have been well received by guests, of whom 75% are from overseas countries.

Japanese chopsticks exhibition:

Date: November 7 (Tuesday) to 20 (Monday), 2017
Time: 10:00a.m. – 6:00p.m. (until 4:00p.m. on the last day)
Venue: 3rdÊFloor, Art Lobby
Admission: Complimentary
Co-Host: Hyozaemon Co., Ltd.


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