Travel Leaders Group raise awareness of Caribbean travel post-hurricane season

tourcenter-caribbeanThe One Caribbean Family Ambassador campaignÊwill include resources and up-to-the-minute information for Travel Leaders Group’s more than 40,000 travel agents about availability and conditions, as well as social media tools and consumer education and awareness materials.

ÒThis hurricane season has been devastating for a number of Caribbean islands, but the negative economic impact on the region will be compounded if visitors avoid travel to unaffected destinations,Ó said Travel Leaders Group CEO Ninan Chacko, CTC. ÒWe are strongly encouraging our agents to pledge their support for the region by becoming One Caribbean Family Ambassadors and encourage travelers to consider Caribbean vacations.Ó

Chacko added, ÒWith our broad network of travel agents, we are going to amplify the messages from the Caribbean tourism industry that 70 percent of Caribbean destinations have not been impacted by the storms. And, Travel Leaders Group will help jumpstart the recovery of the other destinations when they complete their rebuilding efforts.

Travel Leaders Group’s One Caribbean Family Ambassador campaign includes:

  • Information for Travel Leaders Group agents on conditions, availability and packages;
  • A consumer awareness and social media toolkit for agents, including multi-media content such as logos, images, video and informational posts;
  • Destination and marketing materials, including promotions for unaffected destinations.
  • Fundraising efforts to assist travel agents and affected communities.

ÒWe are grateful to have the support of Travel Leaders Group and fully endorse this awareness campaign to send visitors to our shores,Ó said Hugh Riley, Secretary General and Executive Director of the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO). Ò
This is where travel agents excel, by providing accurate information to their clients and ensuring travelers get the vacation experience they are seeking.Ó

Travel agents within the Travel Leaders Group family of brands will be provided with graphics to identify themselves as a One Caribbean Family Ambassador on their social media pages and in client promotions. In so doing, they pledge to promote tourism to the Caribbean islands and act as a source of information for travelers looking to plan a Caribbean vacation.

To assist them, said Chacko, ÒOur supplier partners, including cruise lines, tour operators and hotels and resorts, are providing ongoing status updates that we relay through our online portals, extranets and booking tools..Ó

ÒThe allure of the Caribbean is strong and travel agents are well-equipped to give our clients the reassurance they need when considering a Caribbean vacation,Ó said John Maguire, President and CEO of Travel Leaders/International Voyager in Morristown, New Jersey.

Travel Leaders Group’s annual Fall Travel Trends survey based on actual booking data through September 11, show a 15.6% increase in bookings by American travelers for cruises to the Caribbean islands, moving Caribbean cruises into the top spot among international destinations from second place last year.

Travel Leaders Group is also raising money to assist travel industry members and affected communities impacted by the hurricane through its Family Bonds Foundation. To date, Family Bonds has raised more than $45,000 for hurricane relief assistance. ÒTravel agencies play a key role in the economic life of a community. We are encouraging our agents to nominate agencies in need of assistance to rebuild their businesses,Ó said Chacko.

Travel Leaders Group is a leader in both the retail travel agency space and corporate travel, and it consistently ranks as one of the top travel companies nationwide.

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