Hotel voice searches on the rise

Voice searchTravel searches by voice are on the up according to some figures from Microsoft-owned Bing Ads. The company reveals that Britons are increasingly seeking to book their hotel using the Cortana digital assistant on mobile devices with hotel searches seeing a 343 per centÊyear-on-year increase in the UK.

Flight search using voice is not far behind with a 277 per centÊincrease year-on-year, says Bing. The large increases are not that surprising given that Cortana was launched for Windows 10 around the middle of 2015 and the research is pulled for the year from March 2016.

Added to that is the increased comfort level with voice with the advent of Alexa and Google’s voice search. More interesting is 95 per centÊof the top 20 flights and accommodation searches, using Cortana, were for brands showing the different behaviour of search on mobile and using voice.

Bing points toÊJuniper ResearchÊfrom last year predicting that by 2021 more than four billion mobile assistants will be used globally.

ÒWe will likely see this number rise as consumers realise the potential of digital assistants to improve their everyday lives, something we are already seeing with smart home devices such as the Cortana-powered Amazon Echo, becoming integral to homes across the country,Ó said Thom ArkestŒl, Head of Insights, EMEA, at Bing Ads.

And, of course there’s alsoÊGoogle Assistant and the impact that mightÊhave as it works with Google Allo and Home services.

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