glh Hotels launches “Choose Your Own Room” booking site

glh hotels logoLondon hotel group glh Hotels, today announces the launch of Choose Your Own Room – the world’s first online booking site that lets guests choose the exact room they want to stay in, before making a reservation.

Choose Your Own Room is designed to put guests in control with an end to ‘making do’ with the room they get allocated at check-in.

The new service is available across all fourteen hotels in the glh Hotels central London portfolio including Thistle, Guoman Hotels, Amba Hotels and every hotels by August 2016.

Choose Your Own Room features include:

  • The ability to view, compare and book the specific room that guests want to stay in
  • A search facility that allows users to filter results based on location, price, amenities as well as room layout and even floor plan. Useful categories such as: For Families, For Business, On A Budget, With A View and Suite Stays make it easy for people to find exactly what they are looking for
  • Guest reviews that are captured for specific rooms, not just the hotel – so users can also check out what other people have said before they book
  • An individual host to answer all questions during the booking process

The latest development of Choose Your Own Room is the next phase in glh Hotels‘ room booking strategy. The company was the first to offer guests a room selection service. This new service is a significant evolution, giving even more control, choice and convenience to guests at the point of booking.

Mike DeNoma, Chief Executive Officer for glh Hotels said: “Finally no more room roulette with our new Choose Your Own Room service. Avoid the booking angst of not knowing what floor, view, layout or size you’re getting by seeing multiple pictures of the actual room and even specific room by room guest reviews before you book. We’ve already had great feedback with 97% of our initial users saying they would use the service again.”

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