Industry Icons: A new eHotelier feature

ehot-announcementFollowing February’s Food & Beverage month, our focus for March is New Professionals. In addition to covering the future of the industry, talent acquisition and professional development, we felt it timely to launch “Industry Icons” a new feature celebrating some of the icons of our industry.

Young chefs would (or should) be very familiar with the icons of their field. In fact, while great chefs are often highly regarded, Adrià, Keller, Bocuse, Lagasse, Pierre-White, Ducasse to name a few, hoteliers are often less well known amongst hoteliers of the industry.

We feel strongly that the profile of iconic hoteliers deserves recognition, promotion and celebration. Further, we feel the New Professionals of our industry require aspirational role models, the leaders of industry who have shaped the art of hospitality through generations and have crafted buildings into destinations famous around the world.

In our new series we plan to celebrate the people who paved the way and made the industry what it is today and provide a reference for today’s professionals as well as the new professionals of our industry.

Read about our first industry icon here.

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