Skål International pledges support for Vanuatu after Tropical Cyclone Pam

SKALSkål International, the largest global multi-discipline travel and tourism organisation with 17,000 members, has set up a special relief fund to support the people of Vanuatu after the devastating damage caused by tropical cyclone Pam over the past weekend.

According to reports coming out of the capital, Port Vila, over 80% of the buildings and have been destroyed or severely damaged.

Vanuatu is a Pacific Island nation comprising of approximately 82 islands (65 of them inhabited) and a population of just over 250,000. The tourism industry is well established and is one of the major sources of income for the country.

While immediate aid is being delivered by aid organisations, the UN and other NGOs, the long term re-building of infrastructure will take time and the cost will be very high.

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“Our experience with the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami, and the 2013 Tropical Cyclone that devastated the Philippines was that while aid poured into the affected areas it was the rebuilding of infrastructure after the immediate “first aid” that was so badly needed” states Skål International World President, Salih Cene.

In terms of action Skål International has set up a Vanuatu Relief Fund so its 17,000 members from 85 countries along with friends and colleagues in the travel and tourism industry can contribute.

The fund will be established to offer financial assistance to one of more special projects in the affected region. Skål International in association with Skål Port Vila, Vanuatu, will select local projects and work with an on-the-ground NGO to ensure oversight of the expenditure and ensure that 100% of the funds are invested in the project(s).

States Salih Cene “After the 2013 Philippines disaster Skål International worked with the Skål Clubs in the Philippines using local NGO expertise overseen by Skål International personnel. We wanted to ensure the local people saw the full benefit of the funds raised. We want to be able to offer Vanuatu the same opportunity.”

“We invite colleagues and companies from the travel and tourism industry to work with us on the project. Globally we all benefit from tourists travelling to destinations such as Vanuatu and it is times like this that we can give back.”

The Skål International account for the Vanuatu Appeal is

Bank:                                  BBVA, Plaza Costa del Sol 9, 29620 Torremolinos, Spain

Holder:                               Skål International (Vanuatu Appeal)

Account number:             0182-0481-63-0201664019

SWIFT Code:                      BBVAESMM

IBAN:                                  ES68 182 0481 6302 0166 4019

The account is in Euros but Skål can receive donations in any currency.

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