Three ways for the hospitality industry to track goods and services

Running a restaurant starts simple enough. Decide the kind of cuisine, pick a chef, a general manager, and begin to fill in the details.

It’s always in the details though that you can be surprised by how many options there are. We’ve had to choose from hundreds of fork options, deciding what style, weight, and material we want them to be made from. Then you get to what kind of music to play; what songs in what order and how fast or slow do you want it? The largest problem we’ve seen restaurants run into is the analytical side of the business. Yes, the right POS can tell you how many steaks you sold and what was the most popular beverage served with the pasta. After careful study of the industry and a thorough review of the options, Glimpse has found a new way to help owners and managers save money while providing pinpointed cases for improvement. We took our ideas and technology and created a patented solution to wade through hours of footage and provide to our client incidents where protocol was not followed that increases overall risk.

Cardboard boxSo that’s a lot to take in. Don’t worry, let’s unravel this. Utilizing video cameras in your business, we track drinks as they go from creation to service. We take these images to see when exactly the drink was served and compare it to when the drink order was created. We are studying the time between the drink hitting the bar and when the order comes into the POS, and seeing if it matches your expectations for service delivery time. We measure this time because our research has shown that a failure to have drinks served in the time allotted leads to higher risk and, therefore, loss. We know bartenders get hit with drinks at a quick pace but missing a drink here and there adds up. On top of that, drinks not being served quickly cause further loss by creating a bad customer experience, leading to less money on that service and/or potentially not returning at all.

So how does Glimpse aid in the reduction of loss and recuperating funds? With our proprietary technology and personalized consultations with the client. Our technology diligently reviews the images for processing while Glimpse pulls the report together to deliver to the client. It sounds crazy, but it works. We know because our clients have seen the results for themselves.

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1. Casual dining restaurant

Averaging about $3 million/year and an 80:20 ratio regarding food sales: Beverage sales, Glimpse was able to lower their at risk transactions by half and create a yearly savings of $30,000 with 6.4 million images audited.

2. BarÊand lounge

With yearly sales topping $6.5 million/year and a 27:73 ratio of Food Sales: Beverage Sales, Glimpse lowered at risk transactions by over 40 per cent to create a yearly savings of $95,000 with 3.2 million images audited.

3. Small-medium sized restaurant

$8 million/year in annual sales and a 30:70 ratio of food sales: Beverage sales, Glimpse lowered at risk transactions over 50 per centÊand created yearly savings over $45,000 with 5.8 million images audited.

While the technology and consulting play their part, it’s also up to the owners/managers to ensure proper follow through and training. We regularly see with our clients an uptick in at risk transactions around new hires and holiday seasons, something that can be better mitigated with planning and thorough training.

So why does this set us apart? Because our review of transactions coupled with images is able to pinpoint specific transactions that are at risk. It takes hours and hours of data and quickly crunches it into measurable data and saves everyone the time and money it would cost to deploy a separate system that cannot yield the specifics ours can. We have studied alternate systems and found their strengths and weaknesses, and we know that our results prove that our cost-effective system yields results quickly. It’s simple to get started and we walk you through the entire process, from installation to reporting and the consulting you’ll need for maximum results. Contact us today so we can begin helping your company save money and help improve your customer satisfaction.Ê

For more information about Glimpse, visit

By Paul Radu

Paul RaduWith 19 years of experience leading executive positions in luxury hotel brands within Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide, as well as renowned restaurant groups with an international footprint, Paul Radu’s profound expertise encompasses operations, asset management and concept development. Paul graduated from American Hospitality Academy and Munich Vocational School for Tourism and Hospitality Management.Ê


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