Google Analytics: A hotelierÕs guide

Google AnalyticsThe list of things you can achieve with Google Analytics is very nearly endless. But a hotelierÕs time is not.

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It only takes a little fine-tuning, though, to gain the insight you need to turn your website into a conversion powerhouse.

We all know the challenges todayÕs hoteliers face. It can feel that you have to be everything at once – the perfect host, the tech genius, the marketing guru. For many hotels, taking the time to set up and monitor a web analytics platform is, understandably, way down the priorities list.

There are a few key metrics, though, that you really want to be tracking on your website. With that in mind, weÕve put together a HotelierÕs Guide to Google Analytics, crammed full of the stuff you need to know – and nothing you donÕt.

The HotelierÕs Guide walks you through:

  • How to measure the content that turns lookers into bookers.
  • The five things hoteliers arenÕt doing yet, but should be.
  • Online conversion rates by geo – how do you measure up?
  • How to use A/B testing well.
  • The best way to spot bots (hint: they make up 50 per centÊof your web traffic).

Download your free guide here, and get started on the road to analytical success. After all, every hotel deserves a superpowered website.

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