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Tripadvisor to display Hotelstars Union star ratings in 18 European countries

Hotelstars Union star ratingsAs clear as the stars: Tripadvisor, the largest travel guidance platform in the world, will display the official star ratings, classified and audited by the Hotelstars Union, in eighteen European countries.

Tripadvisor is the first online travel guidance platform to exclusively display the Hotelstars Union’s official star ratings for lodging establishments in all 18 member countries in which the group operates. The Hotelstars Union comprises approximately 22,000 accommodation providers in Austria, Azerbaijan, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Slovenia, Sweden and Switzerland.

“This is a big step towards enabling travellers to make transparent and informed decisions about their accommodation choices,” said Markus Luthe, President of the Hotelstars Union. “In June 2022, Tripadvisor started to reconcile the current classification data daily so that a valid star rating is guaranteed at all times. Thanks to the project leader of Hotelstars Union’s Christin Neumann, travellers planning their next holiday on Tripadvisor can be assured that displayed accommodation stars have been awarded by an institution of the Hotelstars Union after an on-site check and leveraging a harmonised catalogue of criteria.”

Hotelstars Union is a European organisation committed to harmonising lodging establishments’ classification with standard criteria and procedures aimed at helping guests have a common understanding of the reputation and quality of accommodations during the trip planning and booking experience.

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“At Tripadvisor, we strive to empower travellers and provide them with real reviews and official information so that they can make informed decisions to have the best possible travel experience, and this is why we’re happy to display these official star ratings on our lodging listings across Europe” said Scott Brooks, Vice President, B2B Product, Tripadvisor. “We are very proud of the partnership we built with Hotelstars Union and the collaborative efforts invested into displaying on Tripadvisor official star ratings for the 18 countries in which Hotelstars Union operates.”

Tags: Europe, Hotelstars Union, Star rating

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