
Is your hotel ghosting guests? Tips for memorable bookings

booking tipsFirst impressions can make or break a guest’s experience. When a potential guest tries to book a room, your hotel’s response sets the tone for what comes next.

If the process feels slow, unclear, or unresponsive, you might be ghosting your guests without even realizing it. Don’t worry! With some smart changes, you can make your booking process amazing and memorable for everyone involved.

1. Streamline your booking process

Guests want convenience, and they want it fast. A seamless booking process should be intuitive, with minimal steps from start to finish. Make your website easy to navigate and optimize the booking engine for speed and simplicity. A cluttered, slow site can deter potential guests before they even hit ‘book.’

2. Be responsive and proactive

One of the most common complaints from guests is a lack of communication. Ghosting isn’t just about not responding—it’s also about not anticipating their needs. Automate confirmation emails, offer instant booking options, and follow up with personalized messages. Make your guests feel valued before they even arrive.

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Is Your Hotel Ghosting Guests Tips for a Memorable Bookings 2

3. Leverage technology for personalized experiences

Integrating a smart booking system that collects guest preferences can go a long way. Personalization is the key to making guests feel special. For returning guests, show them you remember their past stays and preferences. For new guests, ask what they need and tailor their experience accordingly.

4. Mobile-friendly is a must

A significant portion of bookings happens on mobile devices. If your booking system isn’t mobile-friendly, you’re losing out. Ensure your website and booking process are optimized for smartphones and tablets. A clunky mobile experience can lead to frustration and lost bookings.

5. Add a human touch

Technology is essential, but don’t forget the importance of the human touch. Whether it’s a live chat option or a follow-up call after a booking, these personal interactions can elevate the guest experience. It’s not just about making the booking process efficient—it’s about making it memorable.

6. Don’t underestimate the power of follow-up

Your guest booked a room—great! But the journey doesn’t end there. After their stay, send a thank-you email, request feedback, or offer an exclusive discount for their next visit. Keep the relationship alive and ensure your hotel remains top-of-mind for future stays.

Is Your Hotel Ghosting Guests Tips for a Memorable Bookings

7. Be transparent

Hidden fees, unclear policies, and vague information can lead to frustration. Guests appreciate transparency—be upfront about all costs, policies, and procedures. A well-informed guest is a happy guest, and they’re more likely to book with you again.

8. Monitor and improve

Use guest feedback and booking data to constantly refine your process. What worked? What didn’t?

Regularly review your booking system and communication practices to ensure you’re offering the best possible experience. The more you improve, the less likely you are to ghost your guests.

Final thoughts

In an era where online bookings dominate, your hotel’s booking process is the first real interaction guests have with your brand. Don’t let a poor experience turn into a ghosting situation. By streamlining your process, being proactive, and adding personal touches, you can turn potential guests into loyal customers who’ll remember your hotel for all the right

Tags: bookings, ghosting, tips



STAAH is a New Zealand-based technology company that specialises in cloud-based channel management and booking engine for accommodation providers helping them maximise their online revenue. Founded by Gavin Jeddo in 2008, a pioneer in the field of distribution technology, STAAH’s industry-leading technology powers a property’s distribution through online travel agencies (OTA) and direct bookings. STAAH partners with over 19000+ properties across 90 countries through its operations in New Zealand, Australia, India, UAE, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Middle East, UK and Europe.

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