
The economic and political impacts of COVID-19

In our report titled “Hospitality in the Post COVID-19 World”, author Professor Peter Jones MBA observed:

This pandemic has caused a fundamental massive disruption and fracturing of the existing economic models on which all countries, institutions and governance models have come to rely. These models will no longer hold true and new and different economic models will emerge based on new realities and society values.

In this 15 minute podcast episode, we explore the impact economics and politics as a result of COVID-19 on hospitality and tourism industries.

We consider:

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  1. How the changing political and economic imperatives impact on hospitality and tourism
  2. Why localism is important and will it change over time
  3. How can hospitality businesses can become more resilient to further and future shocks

Guest: Prof. Peter Jones MBE

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Download the report “Hospitality in the Post COVID-19 World”.

This report should be read with caution! It is aimed at promoting detailed thinking, discussion and debate amongst hospitality professionals as to how best to move to a reset and long term resilience for hospitality in a Post COVID-19 World.

Hospitality in the Post COVID-19 World
Tags: COVID-19, economics, Podcast, Politics
Peter Jones

Academic Director, United Kingdom

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