Ever thought about how you could make your hotel contact center work better for you? Here’s a complete guide to effective hotel contact center management.
The secret to creating great financial expertise
What brands don’t know is, that they can create great financial bench strength in their hotels and their owners will pay 100% of the cost.
If Hospitality was a PLC, what would be changed?
Hospitality is one of the great industries and yet it possesses a number of clear problems. If Hospitality was a Plc, what strategies would be being developed?
The importance of branding in the hospitality industry
Catchphrases like “stay on brand” and “that’s very on brand” can be a bit insufferable and even cringe-worthy, but adopting the on-brand/not-on-brand thinking definitely has merit.
5 essentials for hospitality customer relationship management
In an industry where the product or service you’re selling is looking after people, it is imperative that your relationship with the customer is close to perfect.
Becoming a greener restaurant in just two steps
Do you want to become an eco-responsible restaurant but don’t know what measures to put in place without interfering with your work?
Can proptech solve the asset-heavy/ asset-light dilemma?
We focus on the asset-heavy/asset-light strategy issue and how innovation such as property technology (proptech) can solve the problem.
SEM vs metasearch marketing: 10 strategies for hoteliers to try
Search engine marketing (SEM) and metasearch marketing are becoming more important for properties to use in order to compete against other hotels and OTAs for increased website traffic and revenue.
3 event trends every hotelier should know
After two years, numerous lockdowns, and countless pandemic protocols, in-person meetings and events finally seem as though they’re back to business – albeit with a new set of realities.
What is servitization?
Its origins go back to 1988, Sandra Vandermerwe and Juan Rada presented what they termed the “servitization of business”, explaining how more and more corporations were adding value to their core corporate offerings through services.