
Cendyn and Pegasus to merge

The merger of Cendyn and Pegasus provides hoteliers with a platform to maximize the direct-booking channel, enhancing the guest experience end-to-end.

Cendyn Pegasus merger

Clean guest data and why it matters

Data is like gold for hotel marketers — but only if it’s good data. Learn all about how bad data can make your marketing fall flat, and discover a step-by-step process for cleaning up your database.  

clean data

Coco Collection selects Cendyn

Coco Collection has selected Cendyn to power their CRM and loyalty program across the Collection’s portfolio of boutique luxury resorts in the Maldives. 

Cendyn Coco Collection loyalty

How privacy protection is changing email marketing

While there is a future for email marketing, hoteliers need to be aware all the changes happening so that they can adjust their strategies accordingly. As privacy and control over data become the norm, first-party data is moving to the forefront.

email marketing
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