
Is your hotel worthy of a first date? Underused strategies to drive more revenue

first dateWould you swipe right on your hotel? In the competitive arena of hospitality, your hotel’s online presence is as crucial as a dating profile. To stand out and attract bookings, it’s essential to focus on your strengths, build trust, and showcase authenticity.

Here are five revenue management strategies, often underused by hotels, that have the power to enhance your hotel’s appeal and drive more revenue.

1. Embrace authenticity

Just like in dating, honesty is paramount in hospitality. Your hotel’s online profile should accurately reflect what you offer and highlight your strengths.

Identify what makes your hotel unique, and why guests love staying with you. Focus on these aspects rather than trying to appeal to every potential guest. Authenticity builds trust and attracts the right kinds of customers who will appreciate what you genuinely offer.

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2. Optimize your online presence

Are you looking your best? Regularly review your hotel’s profile on Online Travel Agencies (OTAs) and your website. Ensuring your profile is up-to-date and visually appealing can significantly improve your conversion rates.

Fresh eyes can provide valuable insights—consider having new team members review your online presence to identify areas that need improvement.

3. Highlight reviews and testimonials

Positive guest reviews and testimonials can significantly boost your hotel’s credibility. Genuine feedback from previous guests can reassure potential customers and influence their booking decisions.

Encourage satisfied guests to leave reviews with a gentle email or SMS prompt after checkout, and prominently feature these reviews on your website and OTAs.

4. Leverage targeted advertising

Now that you’ve embraced authenticity and leaned into your strengths, you can begin to leverage targeted advertising to extend your reach and attract guests when you need them most.

Create micro-targeted campaigns based on distinct needs, such as seasonal demand, specific need dates, and lengths of stay needs. This ensures that your advertising budget is used effectively, focusing on periods when incremental room bookings will be most beneficial.

5. Use data-driven campaigns

Data-driven campaigns can significantly increase your chances of making the perfect match between timing, demand, and guest allocation.

Test and learn from individual micro-campaigns to achieve the highest return on investment (ROI). By analyzing the performance of these campaigns, you can refine your strategies and allocate your budget more efficiently, ensuring you attract the right guests at the right times.

Win the dating game

In this digital age, standing out in the crowded hospitality market requires this crucial blend of authenticity, optimized online presence, and strategic advertising. These underused strategies align with current trends in online dating, where authenticity and genuine connections are increasingly valued.

Applying these principles can help your hotel thrive in a highly competitive market. Just as individuals seek sincere relationships online, travelers look for trustworthy and authentic experiences when booking accommodations. By focusing on what makes your hotel unique and leveraging targeted marketing, you can ensure your hotel not only attracts more bookings, but also builds lasting relationships with guests, driving more revenue and making your venue a top choice for travelers looking for a memorable stay.

Tags: authenticity, online presence

Founder of Prosper Hotels and Industry Expert at, Strategic Solution Partners

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