
Five proven methods to boost security at your hotel

Hotel securityAs a hotel manager or owner, your primary goal in business is more than just operating at a profit. You also want to make sure that your guests have a safe and enjoyable stay while on your property, too.

However, as you likely already know, trying to ensure a pleasant and worry-free night on your property comes with its own share of unique challenges. From hiring the best staff to help you run it, to verifying that the breakfast buffet will be ready on time in the morning, you often have your work cut out for you. It can unquestionably be a full-time, albeit very rewarding, job.

One issue that often arises for many hotel owners and managers is the question of security on your property. It’s a fairly common misconception that only lower-star hotels struggle with these types of issues, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Even the most pristine and respectable properties can encounter problems like petty theft, unsavory parties lurking around the perimeter, and unruly guests getting into mischief. If you want to improve the safety and security of your hotel, but you don’t want to alarm your guests or invest in methods that don’t work, then these five measures can afford you the peace of mind you deserve.

Kindness Matters

It may come as a surprise to you to learn this, but one of the most impactful ways you can help bolster the security at your hotel is by spreading a little bit of human kindness. This works in two ways. For starters, one of the biggest security issues many hotel owners and managers face is due to employee theft. It’s far too easy for a disgruntled employee to pocket things that aren’t theirs, or to fib on their reported hours during a work shift. But by treating your staff with kindness and compassion, you can help reduce the likelihood that they’ll steal from you and your property.

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This also extends to how you treat your guests, too. It’s no secret that providing them with an exceptional experience is the cornerstone to making sure they want to come back again and again. However, this very same customer service also allows your staff to keep tabs on your hotel guests as they come and go. Not only does it extend the subtle message of “we’re aware of you and your activities,” but it also gives your employees the ability to identify any odd behaviors that could suggest that a guest may be up to no good.

Securing the Access Points

Like any hotel, yours likely has designated guest areas, as well as portions that should remain closed off to the public, such as supply closets, kitchens, employee break rooms, and even other guests’ accommodations. The last thing you want is a nosy guest poking around where they don’t belong, giving them access to expensive equipment and inventory. Instead, find ways to gently (yet firmly) restrict their access. These access control solutions can include inaccessible corridors behind doors with keypad locks, letting your guests unequivocally know that they are not allowed in these secure parts of your hotel.

More Thorough Check-Ins

You have every right to know who is spending a night on your property, and one way you can help do this is by being careful in the check-in and registration process. When booking their stay, guests should be willing to provide information such as their license plate numbers and date of birth. Upon their arrival, your staff should be trained to ask for at least two different forms of identification to make sure it matches what they provided when they booked their stay. They should also politely quiz guests on how many people will be staying with them, minimizing the risk of additional parties trying to sneak into a room that isn’t theirs.

The Value of Appearances

It has often been said that one should never judge a book by its cover, but as humans, it’s simply within our nature to do so. This is also true for your property, and failing to meet these appearance expectations can be incredibly detrimental to your business. The “broken window” theory rings true here, and if you have a lawn that’s unmaintained or spray paint tagging on the walls, it could invite further trouble from dishonest people. In addition, the value of bright lighting in the parking lots and by the entryways can go a long way in deterring criminal activity, as these actions often occur under the cover of darkness.

Spring for Security Guards

Finally, security guards can also be a fantastic way to help keep your property secure and free from theft, crime, and overall rowdiness. The simple act of placing a uniformed party at the doorway can be enough to cause a would-be criminal to hesitate, as they now know that there’s someone ready to spring into action should they try to cause any problems. It’s important to note that security guards won’t alarm your guests or make them feel nervous, either. Instead, it’ll help make them feel more confident that they’re being protected during their stay, allowing them to relax and focus on enjoying their night on your property.

There’s no doubt that trying to keep your property free from security issues can be difficult, even if it’s located in a low-crime part of town. Issues can arise from a variety of factors, and it’s understandable to want to do everything in your power to prevent them. While springing for extra training, security personnel, and even heavy-duty locks can come with an initial set-up fee, it’ll be more than worth it once you see how effective they are in safeguarding your property. And in turn, you can worry less about these concerns and more about the things that truly matter to you — such as making sure your guests have a wonderful experience and want to come back again in the future!

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