Global News

First step in restoring Sydne’s Night-Time Economy

The NSW Government will enhance Sydney’s night-time economy with extended trading hours for venues and bottle shops, a relaxation of after-midnight drink rules and other changes to be introduced from January 2020.

First step in restoring Sydne's Night-Time Economy
First step in restoring Sydne’s Night-Time Economy

The government response to the recommendations of the Joint Select Committee on Sydney’s Night-

Time Economy is an important first step, recognizing the need for a holistic range of measures if Sydney is to develop a safe and vibrant night-time economy.

“The Accommodation Association of Australia welcomes the government endorsed measures that emphasize safety yet seek to remove red tape, better align licensing and planning systems, address licensed

venue trading hours and improve late-night transport options”, said Dean Long, CEO.

“With the majority of the measures supported or supported in principle, the repo3rt provides much-needed confidence that all stakeholders will be operating in an environment that recognizes the importance of a vibrant, balanced night-time economy to Sydney’s positioning as a global city”.

It is now up to industry and all stakeholders to capitalize on this opportunity to create a vibrant, safe and diverse 24-hour economy. The accommodation sector looks forward to working with the City, Government, tourism and retail businesses to attract an exciting and diverse range of arts, cultural, sporting and music events, essential in increasing international and domestic visitation to Sydney and promoting innovation.

“All these measures will need to be put in place in a cohesive manner if we are to create a reinvigorated night-time economy that is sustainable long term.”

Tags: AAoA, Accommodation Association of Australia, Australia, Lock out laws, Night-time economy, Sydney


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