The new content targets young people with experiences and activities are typically taken during a gap year that can be condensed into what VisitEngland has termed a ‘Microgap,’ described as “the best bits of a gap year in a few days in the UK.”
The series of five 10-second clips and 10 images urge young Brits to ‘Go Wild,’ ‘Learn More,’ ‘Switch Off’ and ‘Give Back’ and are displayed on digital billboards at sites across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Longer 30-second clips are also being used across online channels including social media, digital display, and ‘on-demand’ television adverts during the six-week campaign that runs until the end of October.
VisitEngland statistics show that 16-to-34-year-olds had the lowest growth across all age groups for taking holidays at home during the last decade, 2008 to 2018.
VisitBritain/VisitEngland Director of Marketing Clare Mullin said:
“We want more young Brits to get out and experience the amazing destinations and activities on our doorstep whether learning how to paddle-board in London, switching off in a log cabin in the Cairngorms in Scotland or tackling cliff camping in Anglesey, Wales, trying your hand at street art in Manchester or contemplating the wonder of nature at the Dark Hedges, Ballymoney in Northern Ireland.
“By working with destinations and tourism businesses our Microgap campaign is igniting the passion for domestic travel in young people right now and building a habit that will last a lifetime, boosting growth from tourism and spreading its economic benefits across more of the year.”
The #MyMicrogap campaign, now in its second year, follows research by VisitEngland into the travel habits of young Brits which showed that less than a quarter (24%) of 18-to-34 year-olds were likely to take a career break to travel in the next three years.
The idea of ‘microgapping’ however appealed to almost two-thirds (64%) with more than half (57%) likely to take a microgap during the next three years. Research showed that young people keen on taking a microgap wanted the same self-development opportunities typical of a gap-year. Top activities and experiences sought were wellbeing and relaxation, visiting iconic landmarks, trying local food and drink and seeing nature and wildlife.
The campaign is run by VisitEngland in partnership with the tourism organizations of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
#MyMicrogap, part of the UK Government’s GREAT Britain & Northern Ireland campaign, is expected to generate an additional £50 million in domestic tourism spend for the economy.
Tourism is worth £127 billion annually to the UK economy, creating jobs and boosting economic growth right across the country.