Global News

Paris Climate Accord Adoption an Historic Step for Tourism

On Saturday evening, representatives of 195 countries  approved a landmark climate accord that, for the first time, commits nearly every country to lowering planet-warming greenhouse gas emissions.

After the French Foreign Minister said, “I see there is no objection; Paris climate accord is now adopted!” cheers and applause erupted at the 2015 UN Climate Change Conference.

“This is huge: Almost every country in the world just signed on to the Paris Agreement on climate change – thanks to American leadership,” said US President Barack Obama at the recent adoption of the Paris Agreement to stop global warming at the COP21 conference.

British PM David Cameron said, “Today’s climate change deal means our grandchildren will see we did our duty in securing the future of our planet.”

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UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon stated, “[The] Paris Agreement sets the stage for progress in ending poverty, strengthening peace, and ensure a life of dignity and opportunity for all.”

Tourism leaders are also applauding the Paris Agreement and want to have a say in its implementation.

“The International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP) has been working to get tourism boards to join together on green growth and travel,” said ICTP Chairman Juergen T. Steinmetz. “This is a historic step that has been taken in the world, and the tourism industry must be included as this important movement goes forward.”

“Especially for island state nations like Vanuata, Maldives, Seychelles, to name just a few, tourism and climate change is a matter of survival where tourism is the leading economic earner. The Paris Agreement assures the world is finally focused as one on this undeniably critical issue for the survival of our planet.”

Tags: Climate, Climate Change, conference, COP21, green, UN


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