
EHL awarded for revamp of its flagship Bachelor

EHL has been awarded the World Hospitality Awards (WHA) prize for “Innovation in Education”, in recognition of its revamped Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management which leverages the full power of the multi-campus education group.

EHL awarded for revamp of its flagship Bachelor
EHL awarded for revamp of its flagship Bachelor

First international campus

Establishing an international presence was a paramount factor in EHL’s plans to enrich its students’ learning and broaden their perspectives. With such clear intent to expand into emerging hospitality markets, EHL Group has been authorized to deliver its Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management in Singapore. EHL Campus (Singapore)1 will receive its first cohort in the fall of 2021. In the meantime, the Group plans to deliver short courses on-site as early as summer 2020.

“We very much look forward to expanding our connection to the local community and participate in this thriving environment. It is with enthusiasm and conviction that we embark on this new adventure. Our commitment to the local economy will start on-campus and extend throughout the country, as we hope to strengthen our existing ties to the Singaporean hospitality industry”, said EHL Group CEO Michel Rochat.

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Candidates can visit: and apply to start their Preparatory Year at EHL Campus Lausanne in September 2020 and then begin their Bachelor course as the first cohort at EHL Campus (Singapore) in September 2021.

1 Bachelor, 2 Pathways, 3 Campuses

The novel organization of EHL’s offering, which the WHA has awarded, is best represented by the new slogan 1 Bachelor, 2 pathways, 3 campuses. 1 degree, representing the world-renowned Bachelor degree which is the foundation of EHL’s global recognition, 2 pathways, as EHL Passugg students who are studying to get a professional diploma are now given the opportunity to extend their studies and work towards a university-level degree. Finally, 3 campuses thanks to the third South-East Asian campus in Singapore, in addition to the Swiss campuses in Lausanne and Passugg.

“EHL has become a truly global education provider and now sets itself further apart by enabling students to aspire for bigger, better things either in Switzerland or abroad. We are proud of being recognized for our pioneering efforts and very much look forward to the new global alliances and partnerships that will stem from our Asian foothold”, concluded Michel Rochat.

Tags: Bachelor of Science in International Hospitality Management, EHL, Innovation in Education, multi-campus education, World Hospitality Awards


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