
Top social media copy ideas that generate leads and convert them

social media copywritingSocial media today is arguably the most popular mode of content sharing nowadays, with people of all ages, social, and financial backgrounds using one or more social media platforms nowadays. So, it would make sense then that social media would be the perfect medium to generate leads for businesses, and even convert them.

However, unlike other pieces of content such as blogs, articles, infographics, or more, social media requires content that is short, yet punchy. It needs to have a strong impact in as few words as possible. And if your intent is conversion, then your social media copy needs to be perfect.

The basics of creating copy that converts are the same for social media as it is for websites, SEO blogs and articles, and even sales emails. Instead, it is the manner of delivery that differs between them. Knowing how and when to deliver it is what truly matters if your goal is to convert.

That is why we are going to share a few ideas and tips on how to create truly stunning social media copy that converts. Read on if you want to know how to use social media copywriting to boost your conversion strategies. 

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How do you create a compelling social media copy that has a strong impact?

In order to convert consumers via social media, you need to ensure that your content attracts and connects with your consumers. That is because if your content holds no interest among your consumers, then no matter how good your conversion copy, it will fail to have an impact as the consumer will be hesitant to connect with you. 

So, for your conversion copy to have the right impact, you need to be consistent with your social media ad copy throughout the sales funnel. From brand discovery to conversion, you will need to guide the consumer through social media copywriting examples that would attract and engage their interest. 

Give your audience value by educating them

One of the best ways to establish your presence and authority among consumers is to offer them something of value. And one of the easiest ways to do that is to publish content that informs and educates them in some way. 

This will allow them to feel as if they are getting something of value by following your brand, which will help you guide them towards conversion over time.

If your social media marketing strategy includes content creation and distribution, then you can use social media copy to create snappy teasers in order to promote them. This will not only increase the number of people who follow your brand on social media but will also help in driving traffic to your website. 

Engage your viewers

One of the primary purposes of social media is to help people be social. It is designed to boost interaction and engagement. Therefore, your social media copies should be designed to initiate conversations and interactions. 

Now there are many ways you can do that. One of the simplest ways is to ask your followers a question. The resultant inflow of answers will generate debate not only with your brand but among those who comment too. This can be quite beneficial for those looking to start a community.

Other techniques, such as polls, riddles, and more, can be used to great effect as well, in order to connect and engage with your potential consumers. 

Create media other than text

While text-based media packs quite a punch, the best way to attract viewers and retain them is by mixing it up with different forms of media. For example, you can create and share a video, an infographic, or even something downloadable such as an e-book in order to provide value to your consumers.

Moreover, by mixing it up, you will also keep your content fresh and interesting for your consumer. Moreover, it allows you to repurpose your content in other ways, such as creating an infographic on a topic you’ve posted a video on earlier. 

Allow your consumers to contribute

User contributions are one of the best and easiest ways to get your consumers to contribute and engage with the brand. We often see that businesses share glowing reviews left by their customers on their social media channels, as a testament to their awesome business services. 

And it works. People have a tendency to trust a brand more if they have good reviews from previous customers. That is because people tend to trust their fellows more than the business itself. So, let your consumers interact and contribute to your social media.

Make sure your posts have call-to-actions

Call-to-actions are a marketer’s bread and butter nowadays. They, along with your content, work together to guide the viewer into performing the action you desire. Most of the time, that action is to drive the person towards your website, or to a platform where you can expedite their conversion.

Marketing today is a subtle business. People are more aware and wary of blatant self-promotions. That is why your copy too, is often designed to subtly guide them towards conversion. However, if there is no action for them to perform at the end, then the entire exercise is of no use. 

5 tips on social media copywriting that boosts conversions

So, imagine you’ve led a consumer through the sales funnel, and they are now prime for conversion. How will you go about doing so? How can you turn someone who finds your brand interesting, into a paying customer?

Let’s find out.

Tip# 1: Add compelling visuals that complement and improve your targeting

Add compelling visuals to the post to give it a greater impact. Let’s do an experiment. Scroll through your feed on your social media of choice, whether it’s Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or even LinkedIn. When you are scrolling through, your eyes are barely skimming through the content on the page.

However, you will notice that you will automatically stop if your eyes catch something that interests you. Most of the time, it’s something bright and colorful like an image or an infographic. That means out of all that wall of text, it is the visual element that grabs the attention. And if that element is paired with a compelling CTA, you can easily convert a lead. 

Tip# 2: Create copies that conform to your sales funnel

This is one of the simplest, yet also the most common mistakes people make. Each stage of the sales funnel requires a specific type of social media copy. That is because the style of content is suited for consumers who are at that specific stage of the funnel.

However, we often see that people fail to utilise proper social media ad copy designed to convert when their prospective consumer is primed and ready for conversion. That may result in the loss of a promising lead, which is the opposite of what you want your social media copy to do. 

Tip# 3: Play with your copy length to find the one that performs the best

Finding the right length of your social media copy can be a little tricky. That is because based on your industry niche, the ideal length may vary. And while it is true that social media content is already on the short end, your target market and brand niche can affect even that.

For example, a professional business that uses social media might use somewhat longer posts, headlines, and even call-to-actions because that is what their industry’s target market expects. However, for a brand targeting the youth, the copy might be shorter and punchier, directing consumers towards a related video or podcast. 

Tip# 4: Focus on creating strong headlines that speak to your audience

Finally, the most important tip on this list – is headlines. Your copy should have a strong key phrase that grabs the attention of all that view it. This “headline” would speak to them, and it would be the reason people would stop when scrolling down their feed. And once they stop, then the body of your copy can work its magic. 

It’s a known fact that a good copy, no matter where it’s used, needs headlines with a powerful impact. So, why not use that to your advantage when creating social media copy that converts your leads?


Social media can be a great tool for those looking to tap into new markets or interact with their consumers in new and exciting ways. However, without the right copywriting skills, brands will be unable to leverage that potential into boosting their business. 

Therefore, if your brand is relying on your social media channels for lead generation and conversion, then you need to know how to make sure that your efforts do not go to waste. And if you follow the tips and ideas above, you will be able to attract new consumers, and turn them into loyal customers easily. 

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