
[Download eBook] Guide to Reduce Dependency on OTAs

Digital revolution has opened floodgates of information and easy access, this revolution has not been really utilized by hoteliers and they still depend on traditional and somewhat digital methods for their business.

Recent researches have shown that almost around 30-35% of bookings arriving at hotel are from Online Travel Agents (OTA), hotels pay a heavy price to get these bookings, they have to share anything between 20-40% of their revenues with these OTA’s. Just to give you an idea, a global player like is valued at 81.5US $ billion company and makemytrip out of India which is a regional play is at 10US$ billion.

OTA’s are eating into the hotel’s bottom-line and hoteliers need to focus on other digital channels to reduce their dependency on OTAs. In this guide, you will find an in-depth insight and a concrete strategy on how hoteliers can work to minimize their dependence on OTAs.

Here, we’ll cover:

  • eHotelier Essentials Banner
  • Content Strategy
  • Marketing Agreements
  • Affiliate Marketing/ Collaborative Strategies
  • Benefits and Unique Selling Points
  • Brand Affinity

About mycloud Hospitality

mycloud (The Only Complete Cloud Hotel Solution) has been developed by Prologic First, an independent, private company with over a decade and a half’s experience delivering end to end technology solutions to the hospitality industry across the UK, Asia, Africa, and the Middle East. Prologic First’s “WISH” brand is used across 30 plus countries by over 1,600 clients representing the “who’s who” of the industry. Some of our most popular and most adopted solutions like “WISH”, “Touché” & Web Prol’IFIC. Our technological leaders and best in class solutions in the market place, offering some of the most advanced features to hospitality professionals.

Tags: ebook, mycloud hospitality


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