Global News

Sustainability on the frontline of online education

Images by UNWTO

A new series of online training sessions for hospitality businesses, focusing on community engagement, energy and greenhouse gases, as well as food and water management, has been developed by in collaboration with UN Tourism. The courses have been launched on the Tourism Online Academy (TOA), a collaborative project between UN Tourism and IE University.

The four Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) address crucial aspects of sustainability to drive change in production and consumption patterns. While targeted at hospitality businesses, the courses are also available to the general public. They focus on:

  • Energy and climate action: For hospitality, efficient energy use and reducing greenhouse gases are steps towards more resilient operations. The industry can play an important role in the fight against climate change while also reducing operational costs.
  • Food management: In this area, adopting sustainable practices is key to minimizing waste, supporting local economies, and promoting healthier, more responsible consumption patterns.
  • Water efficiency: With water as an increasingly scarce resource in many parts of the world, these online courses will help hospitality businesses reduce wastage and boost efficiency.
  • Community engagement: Lastly, engaging with local communities is pivotal in fostering a model that empowers the very heart of tourism destinations – their people – while providing vibrant tourism experiences.

All the courses are available on the UN Tourism Online Academy free of cost and offer the possibility of obtaining a certificate of completion for a symbolic fee. Access the courses here:

  • Your Journey to More Sustainable Energy Management
  • Your Journey to More Sustainable Food Management
  • Your Journey to More Sustainable Water Management
  • Your Journey to More Sustainable Community Engagement

This online education initiative led by supports the implementation of the One Planet Sustainable Tourism Programme which UN Tourism leads in collaboration with UNEP.

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Tags: online education, sustainability


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