
Building a loyal seasonal workforce in your hotel

A strong, loyal seasonal hotel workforce is not an impossibility, even in the current hiring climate. By shifting management’s attitudes toward the seasonal workforce — and by introducing more agile processes into HR — hotels should find it easier to manage staffing swings during their on- and off-seasons.

loyal seasonal workers

Hospitality HR: challenges facing the new COVID-19 world

Here are insights from an Executive Roundtable for hotel chief human resources officers in the Asia Pacific region to discuss the current and potential future challenges they are facing in the new world of COVID-19. Government support, innovation and employee well-being are just some of what’s on their minds now.


2019 in Review: HR Insights

As 2019 comes to a close, and a new decade in hospitality begins, we’ve collected the top eHotelier insights across the year. Here are 3 of the most clicked and shared HR insights for 2019.

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